Oh ho ho! It’s you again!
Why, if there is one thing that you can be sure of with Mineral Town is that it’s full of friendly faces.
Have you taken a moment to get to know everyone in the town? I can certainly recommend getting to know this chap! Ho ho!
You may think our small town would be a sleepy place, but that is far from the case. Each of your new neighbours leads a very active life, with their own routines and responsibilities to take care of. Take the time to get to know them, and I am sure you will consider them close friends in no time at all.
Of course, if you want to win people’s hearts, a gift or two never goes amiss!
The joy of making friends is in getting to know them, so I’m not to give you too many hints. But I must tell you that, for me, there are few greater pleasures than spending a weekend afternoon with Ellen over a piece of apple pie…
When you befriend people of varied backgrounds, it expands your worldview, making your life richer for it, don’t you think?
Mayor Thomas
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